Pilot Petit

New pen day!

Pilot Petit 1

I went specifically to National Bookstore to ogle at some pens at their stationery part, without any intention to purchase a pen, as I was saving up to get a Pilot Kakuno Demonstrator. My weak resolve had me picking up a Pilot Petit 1 to play with.

Pilot Petit 1

Japanese Instructions on the Pilot Petit 1

More Japanese instructions

Local Price of the Pilot Petit 1

National Book Store sells the Petit1 at PHP 117.00 (USD 2.44). That sound like a reasonable price for a "gateway drug" to bring people into Fountain Pens.

Clear Feed of the Pilot Petit 1

The feed is clear plastic. It was definitely a show when the ink slowly crept up from the reservoir. It was like awakening the dead, or breathing in a new life.

Feed color when primed with black ink

Once it fills up, it turns into what color your ink is. As always, black looks awesome. I am not totally sure about the other colors. In my opinion, they are already candy enough, and having a matching color feed makes the eyes jaded.

A little name bling going at the hips

Pilot Petit 1 disassembled

Close up of the Pilot Petit 1's Nib

VS Platinum Preppy

Another candyfied Fountain Pen line-up that we can put beside the Pilot Petit is the Preppy line from Platinum.

Pilot Petit 1 and Platinum Preppy size comparison

Writing samples of the Petit 1 and Preppy on a standard notebook

The Platinum Preppy feels more comfortable to write with than the Pilot Petit. The Petit's stock ink feathered all over the place.

While at it, let us compare the size of the Petit to an opened Leatherman Squirt.

Leatherman Squirt and Pilot Petit size comparison

...and a Spyderco Para 3.

Spyderco Para 3 and Pilot Petit size comparison


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